Submit your Comments or Complaints

We're here to hear you out

With the goal of providing excellent customer service, our objective is to address customer comments or complaints promptly, with sensitivity, objectivity, and responsibility.

If you would like to submit feedback for the improvement of our services or report any issues in your interactions with our company, our staff is at your disposal to listen to you.

Feedback or Complaints Process



The department in charge will promptly acknowledge the receipt of your inquiry and, following a comprehensive review, will provide a response to you within 45 calendar days.

In the event that more time is required, you will be notified accordingly, specifying the reasons for the extension.

If you are not satisfied

If you are not satisfied with the response you received, you can contact the Hellenic Financial Mediator - Urban Non-Profit Alternative Dispute Resolution Company (ADR) as an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) body, registered in the special Registry available at the website of General Directorate of Consumer Protection and Market Supervision.

Contact info
1 Massalias str., 10680 Athens
10440 or 210 3376700